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AES Bouw Haarlem niet geclaimd Niet geclaimd
Hulswitweg 47-G 045
2031 BG Haarlem
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Onze bezoekers over AES Bouw in Haarlem

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Reviews over AES Bouw in Haarlem

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Goede communicatie , betrouwbaar en kwalitatief goed werk afgeleverd
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Goede communicatie , betrouwbaar , goede prijs kwaliteit verhouding.
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We have worked with AES for a project of a full apartment renovation in Amsterdam, Spring 2019.

Things have started well, with a decent quote and good communication. But as the project went on, and especially when getting close to completion, the communication became really poor, and the initial quote got increased significantly by some ?meerwerk? that were not clearly discussed upfront.

The bestek from our architect, which was agreed upon with AES, was not followed. Some wall measurement mistakes on their end caused the shower door to not be a standard size, we still haven?t found one that fits to this day; AES had to send another electrician after we found out a lot of electrician works were not done correctly (sockets not working, electric cooking plate had no connection socket, the earth connection was not complete in all rooms, etc.), however we still found out later one special socket for a sauna heater was not done according to our agreement (should have been on a dedicated groep, and it was not, as a result we had to downgrade the initial planned sauna heater to find a less powerful one, also additional cost had to be made to find new electricians to fix this issue); The toilet wall has been done poorly, it?s too thin to support weight, the toilet was falling off the wall and my architect helped to find another contractor to have an emergency fix.

There are also other things, such as wall cracks, misaligned/not straight walls, etc.

All in all, I honestly think all the issues stemmed from lack of good communication and transparency. This damaged my trust in AES and ended up in a rather tensed situation. I wish things would have been different. By writing this review, I hope I can help other people avoiding a bad experience by choosing to work with AES.